My journey

Before moving to Ann Arbor, Michigan, I completed my residency training at the University of Pennsylvania, where I also served as the physics resident education officer.

My training in medical physics started at the Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, where I completed a CAMPEP-accredited postdoctoral certificate program. While working as a research fellow there, I developed a GUI software application for real-time motion management for proton therapy. This custom tool, named Wukong, provides added assurance for internal tumor/target localization during setup and beam-on. It has been translated into clinical use as a standard operating procedure (SOP).

In my earlier basic science pursuit, I studied nanoconfined polymer electrolytes for safer rechargeable lithium-ion batteries at the Brookhaven National Laboratory, via synchrotron x-ray scattering experiments performed at the Advanced Photon Source and the National Synchrotron Light Source II.


Zheng Zhang, Ph.D., DABR

Assistant Professor
Radiation Oncology
University of Michigan

How to say my name